The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearrms and Explosives (ATF) has confirmed no action will be completed this year on their proposal known as '41P.' That proposal was originally drafted to create additional requirements for applications for NFA firearms by trusts, such as silencers, short barrel rifles (SBR) and machine guns; however the overwhelming opposition to the proposal caused ATF to delay the adoption of this proposal. In fact, 41P will likely encounter more obstacles which could delay, alter, or prevent the proposal from becoming a final order. No one really knows if or when the 41P proposal would ever be adopted.
Separately, according to reports at the recent National Firearms Law Seminar in Indianapolis, any final rules by ATF will be prospective only. This means that existing trusts and NFA tax stamps will be grandfathered in and the new rules would not apply to existing trusts or any trusts and NFA tax stamps applications already submitted to ATF.
During our Arsenal Gun Trust consultations, Arsenal Attorneys advises each client on such developments by providing a briefing on current events. This helps each client separate fact from fiction during the ongoing debate about firearms regulations. For example, by law, ATF must provide a date when a proposal could become a final order. In the case of '41P', ATF originally posted a date for a final order of 06/00/2014. Now the ATF has changed that date to 01/00/15. Neither of these dates appear to take into account the time needed to resolve all the flaws in 41P and the logistical challenges it would face before it could be implemented by the federal bureaucracy. Similar proposals have taken many years to become a final order, and many proposals like this never became final orders. Contact us to learn how we can help you protect your firearms and your loved ones in light of the ever-changing regulations.