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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 19:50

Privacy and NFA Gun Trusts

Each day brings a reminder of our loss of privacy due to technology, security, and regulations, among other causes.

When highlighting the importance of privacy to clients I often wish I could quote Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin to make the point that freedom and liberty cannot exist without privacy; however it seems the Founders weren't very concerned about privacy back then. Sure, there's the often quoted and mis-quoted statement by Franklin: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety,” but that doesn't address the concern we have in protecting our clients and ourselves.

So long as all laws are obeyed concerning firearms, we want our clients to enjoy as much of their privacy as possible regarding their gun collection and the inheritance of those guns. To illustrate, imagine if my young son inherits my gun collection. Years from now, I don't want my son's prospective employer to have the ability to learn about those guns through a simple internet search of public court records. 

We design legal solutions for clients to address these privacy concerns, particularly for inheriting a gun collection and for the registration of NFA firearms (silencers/suppressors, short barrel rifles and shotguns, and machine guns/full auto). 

We believe Ben and Tom would approve.




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Arsenal Attorneys

Arsenal Attorneys is a nationwide law practice with offices in Fairfax, Virginia near Washington, DC and in Rocklin, California near Sacramento. We serve large and small clients, often remotely. Depending on the client's location, our services include estate planning, civil litigation, criminal defense, business law, landlord-tenant disputes, real estate, and firearms regulations. Our team of attorneys is licensed to serve clients in over 30 states. Contact us today to discuss your goals.