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Thursday, 29 August 2013 13:53

Proposed Rules Concerning Trusts for NFA Firearms

Recent media reports and a White House press conference brought attention to ongoing efforts by the Obama Administration to expand gun control through executive orders and regulatory changes bypassing Congressional approval. This agenda includes a proposal to change the rules concerning use of trusts for firearms regulated by the National Firearms Act (“NFA”). This proposal has not received final approval. If that approval is given, an effective date for any new rules must be announced with enough advance notice to provide regulators and the regulated enough time to come into compliance. Thus far, the proposed rule changes would seem to allow continued use of trusts for NFA firearms particularly for two very important benefits: to allow possession of NFA firearms by others and to create an estate plan for the inheritance of a gun collection outside the court system.

For those who believe future gun controls will make gun ownership more difficult, then they should consider acting now to get their affairs in order before any new gun controls take effect. Arsenal Attorneys continue to monitor developments closely, and we are ready to help clients get their affairs in order in light of the continued efforts by the Executive branch of the Federal government to restrict gun ownership.

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Arsenal Attorneys

Arsenal Attorneys is a nationwide law practice with offices in Fairfax, Virginia near Washington, DC and in Rocklin, California near Sacramento. We serve large and small clients, often remotely. Depending on the client's location, our services include estate planning, civil litigation, criminal defense, business law, landlord-tenant disputes, real estate, and firearms regulations. Our team of attorneys is licensed to serve clients in over 30 states. Contact us today to discuss your goals.